Boonah Saturday morning was a bustling little place, the size of the main street and the the number of shops made me think of Huonville back at home. After chatting to Rachel some more and comparing our small country towns we found out there were similarities in where we live, even if one place is in Queensland and the other in Tasmania. It's so good to see another family who have fled the lights of the big city for a calmer simpler life and have had their dreams come true.
Rachel your passion in life for living life is so visible in your shop, thank you for sharing, it's an inspiration to me and many others I'm sure.
Matt your coffee was one of the best I had drunk on the whole trip, thank you.
The view across the table was a nice one, it's one I will never tire of.
I look forward to drinking many a coffee with this view.
It's not often I am happy with a photo of myself but this is certainly an exception, I love it!!
I think I need to put this into practice more often. :)